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Common Bathroom Renovation Mistakes and What to Look for in a Remodeling Contractor

One thing we always recommend to our clients if they have some home improvement finances they want to part with is to pay attention to the bathrooms. Your bathroom is not only a functional necessity of your home, when done right it can be a soothing place to relax and unwind. Bathroom renovations will almost always make you money when it comes time to sell your home and modern fixtures and lighting can also end up saving you on utility bills after construction is complete.

upscale bathroom renovation

Natural lighting is soothing to both you and your energy bill.

Of course all these benefits of a bathroom renovation in Ottawa depends on the work being done correctly. There’s a very slippery (if you don’t waterproof properly) slope between remodeling for improved enjoyment and market value – and turning your commode into something you loathe. Therefore you should consider two things – 1) the common bathroom renovation mistakes to avoid and 2) what to look for in a remodeling contractor in Ontario.

Bathroom Renovation Mistakes

THE biggest renovation mistake you can make is rushing into the project. This starts off first in terms of budget. Ultimately at the end of the project you want a space you can enjoy and take pride in. If achieving all your goals and features means waiting a year until your budget is built up then that’s the approach you should take.

Rushing into the renovation also means not knowing 100% what you want out of the area. We’ll always help you in the design process, but we can’t prioritize your thoughts of the details you want. Other mistakes include:

  • Being Unrealistic – your bathroom has a set amount of space, unless the remodeling plan involves building out. In this case, you know it might not be feasible to fit a dual vanity, shower, tub, sauna, hot tub, make-up table, breakfast nook, bowling alley, etc. in 25 square feet.
  • Not Accounting For Storage –  the most convenient designs all share one major element which is ample storage. Having storage for toiletries and towels creates a much cleaner and seamless room as a whole.
  • Focusing on ‘Things’ Instead of Design – usually a bathroom design can’t accommodate having multiple focal points and just a busy flow in general. Sometimes the most luxurious bathrooms are the simple ones that let the tile, walls, and lighting do all the work. It doesn’t always have to be the standalone tub and the walk-in shower and the huge vanity countertop.

Bathroom renovation doesn’t have to be as complicated as you may have heard it is .

Finding a Remodeling Contractor with Bathroom Experience

modern bathroom renovation

Been there, done that

The most valuable thing we can offer in our  remodeling in Ottawa is our experience. The bathroom is arguably the most unique room in the home. This is due to the amount of moisture, foot traffic, and multi-functionality that the area must endure every single day. When remodeling a bathroom, design, layout, and building aren’t the only things you need to account for. You need to accommodate waterproofing, ventilation, drainage, wiring, plumbing and more. Mistakes in any of these areas can lead to mold growth, slippery floors, and an overall dangerous, uninhabitable bathroom.

Give us a call or get a free quote for more information. Let’s turn your bathroom into a home feature you can be proud of.