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The inspirational American talk show host, actress and producer. As you all probably already know Oprah has her own show “The Oprah Winfrey Show”. She was born in Mississippi, to an unmarried mother. She was raised in rural poverty. She had a miserable childhood, living with her grandmother at the age of six below the poverty lines. Then she lived with her mother who was less supportive than her grandmother. She was molested at the age of 9,  at the age of 13 she ran away from home and by age 14 she became pregnant but the child never survived. However, all of what happened in her past made her stronger and the person she is today. Oprah is listed as one of the most powerful, influential and richest women in the world. She became a real inspiration to many people all around the world. Now Oprah Winfrey, considered the Media Queen does talks in cities to inspire people, called An Evening With Oprah.

Oprah Comes to Ottawa – April 2013

Oprah came to visit Ottawa the capital of Canada and made an inspirational show. Our Ottawa General Contractors LTD social media team created a competition on Facebook, and the lucky winner would win 2 tickets Oprah’s show in Ottawa. The competition to engage our audience and see what people are inspired by. It was extremely interesting to know what inspires people.

The most common things that inspires people are their family members, God, friends, Oprah, nature, animals, some said Canada, others said that living inspires them, yoga, meditation and a positive attitude. It brings a smile to our faces when we get to know what inspires others.

It is inspiring to us as well, however the winner of the tickets to the Oprah show was a lady that told us that her daughter inspires her. Her daughter at the age of 8, ran her own dogs biscuits business and donated all the profit to animal shelters. The girl was motivated to restore the kindness to the world and she did. We truly think that they deserved to win as they inspired us and we are certain that they inspired many others as well.

– View Ottawa General Contractors LTD Facebook post on this.

Inspiring – Home Designs

A great way to keep yourself and your loved ones inspired and happy is by building this positive atmosphere in your house. Ottawa General Contractors LTD would be happy to help you renovate your house with amazing motivational home designs. Create different moods and atmospheres in your home so you can be inspired or happy or relaxed or all of the above.